Wednesday, November 5, 2008

here i go again...

There's something going wrong...drastically wrong.A game of fate,or a game played by someone.Nonetheless, its me at the recieving end of it all....
At this point of time in my life....THIS VERY MOMENT......makes me feel vulnerable....naked, exposed...looks lik m being dragged n pushed in d middle if a mob....all tryin to get at my neck.
Things which felt so reassuring at all the dull moments...hve taken a turnin...n how!! they seem bleak,torturous and scary! Its in a crowd...baskin in some of d most pleasurable company of people and probably hvin a marvellous time....n then.........................................POOF!!! 
knock knock...a reality check ma'am.Here it goes again....d same ol rigmarole of drama...that surge of emotions......that whirlpool of exhaustion suckin al ur comfort frm within....

Gotta give this time a break.this phase its freedom.To let it BE.Sometimes thats what is needed..The permission to let u hve ur own...guess even my life needs it now...a new lease of life!

Will be back with a bang...without doubts...hope that day's not too distant.



Unknown said...

i dont have doubts now..lolz

Anonymous said...

i read sumwere "at times in life itz not necessary to be stong bt to FEEL strong". be happy bout a fact dat itz not d worst phase u evr had coz itz yet to come n be HAPPY coz d best is on itz