Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The girl who seemed unbreakable- has broken.

The girl who seemed strong-  crumbled.

The girl who laughed it all off-  cried 

& the girl who never stopped trying finally gave up..


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Had read a very striking statement about 'strength'  sometime back [nik u hv n awesome collection dude!! ;) ] it goes 'strength, is nothing more than how well u hide the pain'. For some moments though i couldnt believe what i just came across. The statement was just about bang-on to the perception i have been holding abt 'feeling strong' for quite sometime now (ya it still continues)... 
         The more you let it seep inside you...the more the venom of fear spreads....n d more u feel CRIPPLED. 'Strength' to me is completely a self work. YOU do it. no one, but YOU..Ther can b nothing stronger in the world than self-will.... and nothing more safeguarding than self-realisation (i can put my bets on this).  

So the next time you feel lame n helpless......

    DO NOTHING. coz smtmes d only last resort one can succumb to, aftr evrtng fails,is sit back, put up ur legs n watch the drama unfold. All this with a smile. coz 'strength, is nothing more than hw well u hide d pain'. **wink wink**


Thursday, March 5, 2009

You can never tell what people are thinking and feeling unless they tell you, and usually they lie.... you ask them, "whats wrong?" n they say "Nothing."..... You accept this because its easier than digging for the truth..... people smile when they want to cry, they laugh when they want to scream and shout...... they pretend like nothing is wrong because they dont want to face the truth... things aren't always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes you gotta scream and cry your angers and sadness to the world, because you can only hold it in for so long before something in you snaps. so when you want to cry, cry. when you want to scream, scream. dont hide behind fake smiles, its ok to NOT be alright.  :)


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Its so easy to say "Move On". Its hip. Its IN. Its cool. Its so happening. Its safe. Its............. fake. Its anything but OK. 
To avoid being percieved hypocritical, I rather admit "i havent".  I never have. I always carry a baggage of my past. Truly. And I hve no regrets about it. At least it helps me have no illusions and keeps reminding of what i was, on my journey of, what i aspire to be. I am thus firmly grounded. But to understand the psyche of the "i-have-moved-on" sayers, its pretty intriguing. What have you moved on from?? from your gory past? your failures? your weaknesses? or have you moved on after "smothering someone's feelings"??? **hmmm**