Sunday, March 1, 2009

Its so easy to say "Move On". Its hip. Its IN. Its cool. Its so happening. Its safe. Its............. fake. Its anything but OK. 
To avoid being percieved hypocritical, I rather admit "i havent".  I never have. I always carry a baggage of my past. Truly. And I hve no regrets about it. At least it helps me have no illusions and keeps reminding of what i was, on my journey of, what i aspire to be. I am thus firmly grounded. But to understand the psyche of the "i-have-moved-on" sayers, its pretty intriguing. What have you moved on from?? from your gory past? your failures? your weaknesses? or have you moved on after "smothering someone's feelings"??? **hmmm**   



के सी said...

u got a nice blog , plz give lil-bit space for followers

Nilesh said...

:) we cant lose hope ...esp wen its all dt we got =_=

Nilesh said...

and yea nice pic... miss u on chirkut :P

Anonymous said...

your opinion is loop-sided !! yes its an easy excuse for almost anything on mother earth but you have to consider all the possibilities to conclude..