“I ask you a simple question and you will stumble..
And that simple question is what you want to do in life”.
Its not evryday dat u come across a movie that sets u in a wonderment...I, for one, have been too clumsy off late to get 0ff this orkut mood n do something really constructive...unless of course u define wht ur definition of CONSTRUCTIVE is......It was sheer luck dat i stumbled upon this movie that i was dying to see for quite a while.....It goes by d name GOOD WILL HUNTING.
Ok.. m nt here to give out d entire story....but man....dis muvie really made me sit back n THINK...
Its strange how dis quest for 'what do v really want' makes up for sme really gr8 chapters of r lives :-) Its stranger as to HOW some people stumble upon their answers....as shown in dis muv.
Its strangest when they find out WHAT their answer to dis million dollar question is....wht MATT DAMONs character (Will) does in dis movie...is probably very very very very UNREAL to say the least......bt for someone like me who has always (nd will always) blve in d LARGER THAN LIFE canvas....dis seems amusing and at d same---heartening!!!
though itz quite difficult to take a decision as weird as WILL does in real life...specially when u hving been gifted by SUPER-HUMAN intelligence...and an unbelievingly precise PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY.........he gives it all up for something MOST people would (thinkin demselves 2b sane enuf) find foolish and utter rubbish...bt i guess it takes an enormous amount of character strength and soul searching.
D monologue between Robbie Williams nd Matt Damon is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.....it left me spell bound...the dialogues scream 'DEPTH'....ders not much i can say on dis since SEEING IS BELIEVIN...tho itz one helluva muvie highly recommended to all.
"Loss occurs when you love something more than yourself".
1 comment:
Loved this movie too! The scene where Will outsmarts the Harvard guy in the bar is one of my all time favorites. By the way, I hope you noticed the depth in the sound track too. Miss Misery introduced me to Elliot Smith...listen to more of him if you already haven't! Digged..
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